Del Wolff

Client Service Assistant

Del Wolff, KDC Accounting

Specialises in talking to clients. She excels in bridging the gap between accountant and tax world jargon and regular human words.

I love working with clients to ensure that they have their data to us in a way that removes stress from them and from our staff!

Sometimes the reason clients don’t want to send us their data is because they are embarrassed that they have had a quiet quarter and don’t want to admit to us (let alone themselves) that they haven’t earnt as much as they would have liked. But that’s exactly when they should talk to us so we can coach them to make more money and ensure that we can find the reasons that this has happened and help you grow! Failure is scary, but it can be used as a great tool to help yourself get back and your feet and excel!

If I was handed a box of chalk and asked you to make a drawing on the driveway- I would draw hopscotch and I have done it before many times! The beauty of having kids is that they remind you to do the “fun” things you did as a kid but have forgotten about as an adult.

Del Wolff

Client Service Assistant